WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

I was an athlete for most of my life.

And that has never left me.

I learned so many lessons about life on a ball field.
I learned how to fight… how to dig deep and how to believe that no matter how far down you were… you could still come back and win the game.

I learned that “it’s not over until it’s over.” And that is the truth!

And…. probably the greatest lesson I learned of all…… is that you NEVER give up.
You play hard and you give it your all……….. to the very end!

These lessons, these values have permeated who I have become in this life.

I still fight and I still dig deep… and beyond all of that, I never give up.

My good friend Shawna calls this quality tenacity. More than once, she has used this word to describe who I am.

In spite of having many weaknesses in this life—this is one quality that I am so thankful to have. The definition of tenacious is:

1. Tightly held: not easily pulled apart. difficult to loosen or shake off,
2. Persisent: persisting for a long time and difficult to change
3. Tending to stick firmly to any decision, plan or opinion without changing or doubting it.

Well, I need this tenacity more than ever! I thank God it is a part of how He made me.

I feel like our family is in the greatest fight ever. I have to fight doubt, fear, opinions, fatigue and stand firm with my husband in possible face of this giant called cancer—with courage.....

With tenacity!

This is my assignment through this journey.... to beLIeVE with tenacity.
It's just what I have to do!



Amy said...




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