WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Changing lives... One card at a Time

Peter & I recieved the coolest cards yesterday. They were from our friends Johnny & Clint.

You can see one of them sitting on our piano. The other is at our office.

They were not ordinary cards either....

They were these beautiful custom made cards. Both Johnny & Clint actually created this "beLIeVE" card for us.

I had created this little design that I use on my blog remind me that the word LIVE is in the word beLIeVE.... well how amazing it was to recieve a card in the mail with that design on it!

On the inside of the card was a photo of Peter and I, along with such an encouraging message:

"It's not over until it's over - Together you will win this battle"


How cool is that! Peter & I were both so blessed by this!

Johnny and Clint have this amazing company called "Send Out Cards"

Their companies mission is "changing lives....one card at a time!"

Anyone can log onto their website and send out cards. They have thousands of cards to choose from--- or you can simply create your own! No trips to hallmark or a mail box-- no need for stamps--you just do everything online. It makes things so easy!

Now THAT is Awesome! Just think of what you can do with your own photos....grandparents would LOVE to recieve cards with pictures of "their" grandbabies on them!

I love this whole idea and just had to share this with you! Here is their website for more information: http://www.sendoutcards.com/5FREE

The first 5 cards you send are FREE-----just to try the service!

Thank you so much Johnny and Clint. You have already begun to accomplish your mission by changing this one life--- one card at a time!

I Love you Guys!!

P.S. as a take on yesterdays message. "Let your life be the ART on you CARDS"


Anonymous said...

I have tried to write but I am lost for words. So THANK YOU and we LOVE YOU and DR.P


Johnnie and Clint said...

Pati and Dr.P When I called Clint from Birmingham airport he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't hold back the tears enough to read to me what you had written on your blog.Then by the time he was finished, I was in tears. You are both an inspiration to everyone you touch. And it's not over!!! Life will prevail and you will conquer this Giant! You are both fighters!!! Our passion is to Send Out to GIVE to encourage, uplift, and provide hope and love expecting nothing in return except to be able to touch a life.
May God hold and comfort you both.

Amy said...

What a precious and priceless gift... wow.. wow... wow

Such a blessing.


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