WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Friday, August 8, 2008

I Believe...

that life is a gift…

A wonderful and precious gift from God.

Sometimes it is filled with beauty and love and laughter and joy!

And other times it is filled with heartache and tears- questions and

yet.. even in all of that, life is a gift.

Some of you may already know that our family has been in a difficult season. A season of challenge… and heartache.
A season of questions and pain.

A season of fire - and a season of faith.

And in it all, I believe in God—the giver in life.

And that Jesus is real.

I believe that we go through things—difficult things,
for a purpose… a reason.

Maybe to build character- maybe to build faith—or maybe to simply learn how to have hope.

Maybe for courage or maybe for compassion—

But there is always a reason. There is always something birthed in our hearts and spirit through pain. I don’t know why, but there is.

My husband is facing cancer for a second time

I believe that through this entire journey, a deeper faith has been birthed in me and in our family that I never new was possible.

A faith that goes far beyond seeing, beyond knowing and beyond understanding.

A faith that has been deeply tested—deeply challenged.

A faith that believes that through it all --- LIFE will prevail.

That is what I believe.

Not just because I want to—----------
but because I believe that somehow—God, in his grace—has asked me to.

There’s so much more I could share—but I am so limited with time again today---

So I’ll just end by continuing to say…. I believe.

- photo taken by Shawna Yarbrough


Anonymous said...

You are all in our prayers, Please let us know if we can do anything for you

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