WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Facing the Giant....

So we recieved news from the surgeon that Peter's tumor is cancerous.

We don't know what type exactly-- but yes.... it is cancer.

I can honestly say that I am so thankful that Peter and I had this entire past week to really try to process this whole matter and be sort of prepared for the news we heard today.

So now it is a fact. We're facing the giant... again.
Interesting that Colin's youth group just watched this movie "Facing the Giants" on Sunday night.

We are still waiting to hear more about cell type, treatment recommendations....
and I will also say that Peter is investigating some alternative treatments as well. We will certainly keep you posted and your prayers are always so deeply appreciated.

Peter is doing well overall. He amazes me actually. He continues to work and serve others in their health needs with a great attitude. He trusts God.

When I got home from our office after hearing the news... I went out to our backyard. You see, every time it rains, I now always look for a rainbow. Tonight it had rained... so I was looking. Especially tonight... I needed another rainbow.

I was standing near our pool looking into the sky.... I actually imagined God like the ""google earth" camera... thinking that He could see me looking upward and zoom right in on me.
I just kept thinking, come on Lord, now would be a great time for another rainbow...please?

Just then, my youngest, Lissy walks out into the backyard.. and the conversation goes something like this.

Lissy: Whatcha doin?

Me: Just looking for rainbows. I look for them everytime it rains now.

Lissy: well it's still raining, maybe there's one over there.

Well, I didn't see a rainbow, so I walked into my house and sat at my computer.

Right on my computer screen [I am not kidding] --- was this:

I did a double take-- honestly! I thought, Where did this come from?"

I read the words, "Don't give Up - Beleve"

Little Lissy-- I guess she had put this together on for her mommy earlier that afternoon.. while I was at the office. Can you believe that? I couldn't believe it...Out the mouth of babes..

OK... so then I begin to just cry and cry--- but they were tears of hope. Continued hope!

I knew that God had just spoken through my child... saying-- "don't give up--beleve"
and there were my rainbows! (she even mispelled the word believe) how cute is that?

How she thought in her little heart to put that together... and to even say "Don't give up" --- well, I'm speechless.

So the rainbow in the sky-- I've yet to see. But oh how God has given me so many rainbow photos... and since I'm becoming a photographer-- this means alot.

So yes.. we face the giant... and it is serious. We all know this as a family.

But our family also knows that God is bigger. That we can focus on the cancer and let it consume us, or we can focus on God and face the giant WITH HIM.

Everything in my being knows and believes that God is with us.. and that He will fight this battle.
He continues to give hope at every turn. Every bit of bad news has been met with a rainbow.. or a scripture that always leads in this direction...

So Yes Lissy--- we won't give up--- we will "beleve"!

P.S. I also had a very close friends Len & Michell share a "rainbow" story with us regarding our family. They were driving to Prescott when they had just recieved a phone call telling them that regarding Peter--- that it looked like the tumor was cancer. They hung up the phone and were just about to begin to pray for us-- when all of a sudden they saw a rainbow in the sky.
Len even had to pull over to take a photo for us -

I can't do anything but continue BeLIeVE......



Amy said...

Oh my sweet friend! Ok... I am sitting hear, reading this and just in awe of the hand of God over you and your family... just speechless! Ok.. so! We are standing and praying with you.. thankyou for the update! I already forwarded it on to all the people I know that are prayer warriors. Love you so much! Amy

Anonymous said...

You have been on my mind over the past couple of days, I'm so sorry. You are a wonderful, strong family with so much community support. I assure you we all stand together praying for your family. Be strong...

The Barone's

Melissa Jill :) said...

qwow. tough news. you guys are definitely in my prayers and your faith is a HUGE encouragement to me!!

Johnnie and Clint said...

As we read your blog and listened to the music in the back ground, Clint and I pray for you and your family. Your strength and courage is an inspiration to us all. We beLIeVE in the power of God's words and prayers. We sent an e-mail out to all friends amd family asking for their love and continued prayers. WE LOVE YOU

Kate said...


Your and Pat's friend Kristin in Atlanta works with my daughter Heidi. When I heard about the challenges your family is going through I asked my prayer group, The Women of Shoreland Lutheran High School, to keep your family in their prayers daily. This is a group of faculty wives and teachers at Shoreland where I was an art teacher for 21 years. You are not alone. Your sisters in Christ in Wisconsin are praying for you and your family.

God's continued blessings,


lisi said...

hi pati.. i'm a friend of amy scroggs, from texas.. just so blessed looking at your blog today..
your photography is beautiful and your family more beautiful!!
your strength is beautiful and God is that beauty and glory in you and your family..
thank you for sharing your experiences and for filling our lives with beauty..
thank you! and i am beLIevE 'ing' with you and your family and friends for abba daddy to fill you overflowing with him daily and for your hearts/souls/minds to be filled with ALL that he brings to his children, the pakulis'..
with a grateful heart, lisette

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