Three sessions down, three more to go. We're halfway there.
These blocks were my little treat one day. My best spent $15 in a long time. I love looking at them everyday.
They remind me that the day is coming when treatment will be over. They remind me to believe for healing and for life... a life more abundant.
In the midst of this challenge I am seeing new signs of life. I am seeing new beginnings, and new horizons.
As Peter walks out this journey, and I watch the death of cells through chemotherapy take place in his body... and the effect from that, it is difficult to watch.
Yet I am also able to see the birth of new life and new cells taking place. I see how God has amazingly designed our bodies to renew life from within... and that is what I believe for. Life restored, life renewed.
This word believe.... this little tiny verb, has been my gift. Along with faith, I think it is one of the most powerful things we can do in our life... is to simply believe.
blessed because i can join in the community of believers.. in christ, in god and his holy, living spirit IN us!
as peter has the treatments, i can see jesus there, IN peter, restoring and renewing (like you and we are believing!)
i love those letters/blocks!
what a gift he has given you, pati. simple, beautiful and divine..
bless you this tuesday.. and the blessing is this: John 20:31 (New Living Translation)
But these are written so that you may continue to beLIeVE that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by beLIeV(E)ing in him you will have life by the power of his name.
love you! lisi
AMEN..Praise be to God and yes to be able to walk in faith with believers is a blessing!!>>
Pati,I never knew how much one word could change a life.... beLIeVE--faith-healing-renewing--rebirth-alive--living
Peter I do beLIeVE in your healing, recovery and abundant life--God is so GREAT!!!
I love your blocks of life! to beLIeVE is to live!!!
strength through Christ!
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