WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Saturday, November 22, 2008

It’s the little moments that make life BIG!


Doesn't that say it all? I LOVE life's little moments. They keep me going!

These are my dear friend Clint, Johnnie and little Gracie! They have recently come into my life and have been such an amazing blessing! I just love them both so much!!

They were so much fun to photograph. I will post more from their "family" shoot in the next day or so.

Sadly, my arm is SO sore from processing photos-- that I actually have to stay off the computer as much as I can today. I have a photoshoot later today and I need my arm for that.

I guess that is what you'd call an occupational hazard. Wow---


Johnnie and Clint said...

OH, my goodness!!! WOW!!!! WE LOVE IT!!!!! Our lives will never be the same since God brought You, Peter, Colin, Julia, Lissy and MoMo into our lives. We praise and thank GOD everyday!!!!! We luv u!!!

PLEASE please take care of your arm!!!! It's got many photos yet to shoot with life's moments to capture!!!

You have a GREAT DOC to keep it going!!!

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