WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Business Cards

It's so hard to decide on just ONE photo for a business card. One photo... how do you do that? Especially when you have THREE children...

Well, my business cards are ready for print!!!. Whew... lots of hard work went into it. Now, I am NOT a designer... but I LOVE design. So because of limited resources, I needed to design my own business cards.

I have a wonderful friend, eric huffman-- a very gifted and talented architect and designer, http://www.debartoloarchitects.com/ who coached me along in this process. Now, eric and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of what we like in design. He's passionate about design... AND he's honest.

He's not at all interested in giving me warm fuzzies.... he is interested in excellence!
And I LOVED it.... o.k.... I HATED it! He really challenged me to get outside my box...

At times it was very frustrating. And I got to a point where I felt stuck!

Then one night I went to my first PUG (pictage) meeting. As a "rookie" in the photography business, this was a big deal for me to "step out" and go to a meeting like this.

Afterward we all went out for dinner. It was so nice to talk to other photographers and I even had a chance to get to know Melissa Jill a little bit, an amazing photographer...how exciting!

Anyway, when I went home I just felt so inspired! I finished my business card that night...I went in a whole new direction... and was DONE!

I was very happy with my cards...and so was eriic! (thanks Phoenix PUG group and Melissa Jill) I know you have NO idea!

I'm sure eric would thank you too-- he was very glad (more like relieved) to see my new direction! His own word were, " thank God you were inspired"--- LOL...... I love it!
So Thank you too GOD.. for inspiration.

And also a very special heartfelt thank you to mr. eric huffman. A good friend, my bass player and a man of excellence! (He also NEVER uses caps in his name...) he never uses caps!

So finalizing the overall design... I could NOT decide on ONE photo.

So then it hit me... why not have more than one!

So I just decided to use MANY photos. So here you go.... my business cards will be like a photo gallery. Crazy?

What's a mom to do?

Which is YOUR favorite?


P.S. Here's the back


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm... that is a tough one... I guess it depends on what kind of photography one likes huh?? I really like the "moments' that are captured in time. So my favorites are the one of your girls dancing in the water and of the 3 kids walking hand in hand down the path... If I had to choose tho...

I would pick...oh that's too hard! probably the 3 kids hand in hand pic... yep! lol! Love you..

Anonymous said...

Hi Pati, THESE are AWESOME!!! I love them all and yes it is hard to pick. I would have to say the children together and the one of them playing in the water. Hey how about a few of each????

Your the BEST Johnnie

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