WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Family Reunion -


Our Family reunion started off with a bang---I'll explain.

But first... this is an amazing place! It's beautiful!

Here's the owner of Juniper Wells... Dave.
He has a shotgun in his hands because he is looking for a Rattlesnake.

Here's the Scoop:
My kids were walking up a hill with their aunt Lorraine and cousin Maria. Lorraine fosters dogs for an organization called PAWS...so she had her 4 foster dogs with her. Our dog, Marley, was also with them.

Well, they literally walked right into a rattlesnake.. and one of the dogs--Payson, was bitten!
He had to be rushed to the nearest vet.. requiring immediate care.

We were so thankful that he was alright--- but what an experience!!

So Dave was on the hunt-- but we never found the rattler.
So now my girls have seen a Rattlesnake--UP CLOSE! - Whew!

Well, On a lighter note--- just a few sunset shots from our balcony.

I had recently read about how to get the sunburst effect with my camera-- so I tried it. I was happy with the results. The trick seems to be to really stop down your aperture--- really close your lens... These are shot at f/13-

Anyway-- Thanks for visiting---I'll be posting more photos soon!


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