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My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

They're here......

My business cards arrived! Lots and lots of them! A whole big box of them--- wow!

O.K.... 5000 of them to be exact.

I ordered more than I'll probably ever need.

Although my kids have already promised to hand out TONS of them.
So if moms start finding my business card in their child's backpack-- they'll know why!

Julia liked the back of the card the best... of course it's HER picture on it.

I had originally wanted to have more than one image... but it just came down to too much work for right now and a few other little things.

So this is it!

I will say that when you look at the card, the photo on the front almost looks 3 dimentional.. it's pretty wild! I really love it!

I'm very happy with these! Dennis with Pizazz did a nice job!



Johnnie and Clint said...

THAT's a truckload of cards!!! I have just as many, maybe we could exchange a few. (lol) I would LOVE to have a bunch to pass out. Between Clint, I and the kids they wil be gone in no time,!!! They look awesome and I can't wait to actually see them!!!

lisi said...

:-) that is great!
very nice business cards.. love your signature, too~
have a nice weekend.. hey! have you heard of the movie, fireproof? comes out today! can't wait to see it with my hunny chris..
with love, lisette

Amy said...

Oh oh oh.... gotsta ta get me one of these!! yeah!!! Congrats... these are really really nice!

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