WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Here's the Plan....

I know this is a photography blog----- designed to share my journey through life as a photographer.....

But as most of you know my husband was recently diagnosed with cancer for the 2nd time.
So we are facing this battle twice within the last 6 months. What a year this has been-- what a journey. So I wanted to share with you the plan.

The greatest blessing is that this 2nd cancer is different. It is NOT the same type of cancer that he just finished treatment for......... And that, for us, is our miracle!!

You see, if it was the same type of cancer-- my husbands options for treatment would be extremely limited... mostly a very invasive facial surgery.

But somehow.. by the grace of God-- this cancer is different. It is rarely ever even found in the sinus cavity--- and it different! That opens up our treatment options tremendously. This cancer historically responds quite well to chemo therapy-- and that for us--- is our miracle!!

I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear this news and --how I feel that it is just one more way that God is saying, " I gotcha covered."

He gives me words like LIFE and BELIEVE-- and he shows me rainbow and clouds and fire. He has ever begun to show rainbows to many of you as well. There are a few people now who have shared with me how they were thinking of my husband-- and then they saw a rainbow.

This continues to give me greater faith.

And one thing that amazes me is that I would never have imagined that I would fall more head over heals in love with God--- through facing cancer with my husband.

Not through material blessings or easy living or even achieving my dreams----- but instead through adversity and challenge and through mustering up the greatest amount of faith I have ever had to have in my life! It's one of those mysteries.

We have a long journey ahead of us... my husband begins Chemotherapy on Monday and will walk a path that is nothing short of courageous... and heroic as he fights for LIFE.

But what I have come to see is that this fight is really not ours alone-- you all have been there in some small way-- praying for us or caring for our needs.. encouraging us, and letting us know we are loved. There have so been many beautiful demostations of love that have made a difference! It has been an unbelievable gift! Thank you all so much!

We are truly grateful !

Bless you All--Pati


Amy said...

Goodmorning, my friend! I popped by to see what was new and just read this update! Well praise God!!!!

Ok.. I just read a beautiful email from a really cool guy named, Dutch Sheets.... it's a prophetic word for a new season that is starting in September. I don't just jump on any band wagon when it comes to "prophetic" stuff, but this man is really solid. The Lord spoke to His heart one night that September is going to be a month of 'Suddenlies! Yep! So we are believing that for Peter! Suddenly he wakes up and the cancer is gone! Suddenly!!

Love you so much! We are praying and standing with you! ~ Amy

Johnnie and Clint said...

Glory be to GOD!!! We will continue to pray for strength, wisdom, guidance and endurance as Peter begins the Chemo.

Thank you Pati for continuing to share your beautiful moments of LIFE!!

We are so blessed to have you and you family in our lives!!!

all our love

Loving Life With Charlize said...

Hi Patti,

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read your blog this morning. GOD is good! Your strength through GOD throughout this is and will continue to be an example to others. We will continue to pray for Peter and your family.

Love always,
Elisha Wilson

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