I certainly didn't come up with this idea on my own... I truly believe that I was sort of called into it.
My husband had just been healed of cancer in April and we were sorta taking a breath. I hadn't been taking many photos, but I had pulled out my camera to photograph Easter Sunday at my church. They were doing a play and wanted some photos taken.
It was after this play that I said a little prayer. Basically I asked, How could you use photography in my life Lord?.. I just love it."
Well, honestly, a little over a week later I had a High School Senior named Monique come and ask me to do her Senior Portraits.
I remember telling her hesitantly, "Well, ok." I wanted to do them quickly, making sure that if I screwed them up, she would have time to go to a REAL photographer.
I purchased a 50mm lens... said a prayer and photographed Monique.
When I went to view her images... as I scrolled through the photos... something happened inside. I knew at that moment... I can do this! I HAVE to do this!
I had always know the joy of capturing images of my children, but I never knew I could feel that joy in cpaturing images of others! I immediately knew that a dream was born in my heart that day!
So here I am one year later..... So much has taken place.
God has truly used photography in my life in a way I would have never imagined! It has helped provide for my family, as my husband had to yet face cancer for a 2nd time.
It intrigues me, consumes me, challenges me and fulfills me on so many levels. I am simply beyond blessed to be in this profession! And I thank God each day for it. I pray before each shoot,
"Lord help me to see what you want me to see
Show me the light that you want me to capture
Allow me to bless this person/family
with images that will capture who they are and the beauty of their life"
photo taken by my photographer friend Annie Gerber! http://www.anniegerberphotography.com/
You have a natural born talent--God is so GREAT!!!
Your faith-love-and tenacity is an inspiration to us all!!!!
THANK YOU God for blessing Clint and I with this beautiful Family of God!!
Clint and Johnnie
i LOVE this, pati!
love hearing about how papa put this *together* for you.. and your family.
your dream.. ahh.. sooo beauty full!
so blessed to hear and see what your photography is doing and where and how it will bless many many people! love your prayer, too..
love, lisi
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