My husband Peter is now CANCER FREE!!
So we gathered together tonite. Shared a beautiful meal from a wonderful servant named Kate.. and we had communion. Then we lit this menorah.
I purchased this when Peter was healed of the first cancer... liposarcoma on April 1st, 2008. I really wanted something special that would help our family to always remember and celebrate the day that God healed Peter. This menorah from the Cedar Sinai hospital seemed perfect for some reason. After all, Cedar Sinai is a Jewish hospital.
Little did I know then that our journey was not at all over.
My desire was that this menorah would be used every April 1st. We would light the candles and simply remember and honor what God did for Peter. A new family tradition was birthed.
However tonight--- it was pulled early.
After today... we know that our family will now light our candles TWICE a year.... to honor the God that has so faithfully answered our prayers and the prayers of so many others.
Tonight, we share our light with you---- God has healed Peter once again. He used competent doctors to help destroy cancer.
And all we can say is that God IS Faithful..... always.
From the deepest part of our soul, we THANK YOU ALL
forever grateful,

We are celebrating with you and Peter this day too, Pati! Love you so!
I have been praying for Peter (and all of you). Now I am rejoicing with you. What a good God we serve.
what a beautiful picture, pati.. a picture of grace, love, joy, peace.. just beauty, really~
the menorah is a special symbol. it's said to symbolize the burning bush/moses on mount horeb.. wooo!
love to you and your family from over here in texas, lis
thanks be to god!
What a gorgeous photo...and the tears are running down my cheeks. Shalom.
We rejoice and celebrate with you, Peter and your loving family of god! Praise God to the Highest! What a special photo of life's celebrations!---courage-strength-love--faith and FAMILY!
You have walked a journey many of us would have questioned, but your faith and Love in God is so amazing!
We love YOU ALL!!
In Jesus Love Clint and Johnnie
We are praising our Father in heaven who has given you all Light & Life through His Son Jesus Christ! We haven't stopped praying for Peter and you, Pati and your family and know that your testimony through the fire is worth more than gold to Him! I was so excited to hear through Cassie of Peter's healing and I am praising Him for all of you! Thank you for your inspiration, strength and testimony! In christ,
The McIntires
Your old friend Allan Reetz says God does bless. You are living strong. BeLIeVE, indeed!
The last time I saw you I sat by your bedside. Suffice it to say, you are resilient.
Find me on Facebook. I live in NH.
Then again, the last time I saw you was 1988. You were standing tall. Sitting, standing, or lying down, you've always been a strong soul.
Allan Reetz
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