She is one of my all-time favorite photographers! Truly gifted and talented. She has had a large impact on me as a new photographer and our friendship has been a gift.
During lunch I was sharing with her how last year... when I asked God to show me a rainbow.. regarding my husband's cancer, he showed me 3.
Melissa had taken a photo of the most amazing rainbow I've ever seen photographed while she was in Ireland... and her rainbow was the 3rd I'd seen in a row.
After lunch with Melissa, later that afternoon I went to do a family shoot at Tempe Town Lakes. As I was photographing, I looked up and saw this~
It was a gift I believe. A reminder for me of all that God has done...AND will continue to do!
I will say this.... I just have a feeling I will see 2 more in the sky!
Happy 4th of July! Celebrate! Enjoy family! Count your blessings~
You WILL see 2 more!! We luv u--GOD BLESS!!!
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