Meet Joel and Heather-- Beautiful couple!! They wanted a location with flowers and a feel of Spring. So I must thank my photographer friend Patrick Tipton for the location suggestion--- It was perfect!!
This was great fun---- and I loved working with Heather and Joel who are getting married in April!!
Thanks so much you two----Enjoy!
wow!! love the LOVE one!! where is that?!!
love to you pati!
just really think these are perfect! love, lis
Pati!! What a cute session! I would never say it was your first engagement session! I think you did a great job and you are so creative!! Love the composition!
WOW what a GREAT Shoot!!! This couldn't be your first wedding session??? You have got it girl!!!
the L_O_V_E sign was a cute one. I love the one with the burst of light!! You are sooooooo creative!!
Wow that Love sculpture is awesome !!! .. I need to build me one of those :)
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