WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

Please visit often, ask questions or leave comments... I LOVE hearing from you!


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mom's with Kids Needed

As you may know, I am providing photography for this year's Poinsetta Festival at Gardener's World in Phoenix.... Every year they harvest over 20,000 poinsettas...

They have asked me to be involved in their media coverage regarding the event. They are having channel 3 and Fox news do some media spots on 2 separate days. They would love to have children be involved in the news spots... So if any of you would like to participate.... we'd love to have you.

I do realize that the new coverage IS during the first part of school..... so you may not want to do it. But it is a chance for your kids to be on TV... which is always exciting. Please let me know if you would like to participate. Bring a friend too!

Here is the info they sent me:

Hello Pati, Thanks so much for your enthusiastic willingness to help us out with our exciting Media Coverage.

Monday Dec. 1 LIVE on Ch 3 hits are between 6:30-9:00am.
Friday Dec. 5 LIVE on Fox 10 hits are between 8-9am.

We're looking for families and kids to come out and have a good time with a "sampling" of what the poinsettia festival has to offer. do crafts, ride the tractor, etc. ---------------

SO.... all you moms just let me know if you'd like to join us and bring a friend!


Also--- here are my available session times:

Friday December 5th & 12th

1:00 12-5 - booked

Saturday December 6th & 13th

1:00 12/6-booked

Sunday December 7th & 14th

11:30---12/14 booked

Let the fun begin!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

SO Thankful for a double perfect Rainbow!

Yesterday was my husband's last day of radiation!

It rained throughout the morning.

At about 5 pm I was sitting at the computer reading a facebook message... I noticed the lighting outside was really vibrant. The sun had come out---

I am not kidding, the thought came to my mind...Go outside and look for a rainbow.

I was just about to type that into facebook... that I was going to go look for a rainbow.

The telephone rang... it was Peter. He was at the office and said, "go outside... there is the most amazing rainbow"

I walked to my backyard... adn saw the most BEAUTIUL, Perfectly round double rainbow. It was unbelieveble.


Ouf phone rang again--- my friend Katie calls-- Do you see the rainbow?" she asks......

I recieved calls from my friends Bambi, Lonna, Johnnie.. a text from Shawna.

This rainbow lasted almost 20 minutes!

My girls and I were freaking out--- I was trying to get my camera... switching lenses, I was just So amazed--- at first I could bearly think straight to get my shots.


I was in my backyard on out our balcony-- and couldn't get a photo of the full rainbow--
( a good excuse to invest in a wide-angle lens someday)

But it was nothing short of specatacular!


My friend Clint came over later and gave me these photos he had taken for me while driving.

He got the whole rainbow in these 3 shots: (thank you so much Clint!)


So I must say that I think God is the sweetest gift-giver in the world. Our family had decided that this year we would not cook a thanksgiving meal. That because Peter can't really eat much-- that we didn't want the smell of turkey and pie to fill our home.

I was just thankful that radiation had finally come to an end-- and we were just going to lay very low.

This rainbow was the greatest Thanksgiving gift ever. I love the fact that Peter saw it first--- and called me. This rainbow was for him! A Double rainbow--

He had not yet seen one this entire time!

The night before I had just read from my soak journal this scripture from Matthew 21:22
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask in prayer."

I beLIeVe!!


We wish you the greastest Thanksgiving filled with Faith and Belief -

The Pakulis Family

Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Mini Portrait Sessions

This is for all the families looking for that one "family photo" for this year's Christmas Cards.

I have the answer... POINSETTIAS!


I have teamed up with Gardener's World, http://www.gardenpro.net/ a local nursery in Phoenix, to provide professional photography for their 23rd annual "Poinsettia Festival."

Every Christmas Season they harvest over 20,000 poinsettias in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. It is a spectacular site!



I will be providing family photo opportunities throughout the weekend! Sessions run 15-20 minutes and are designed to provide your family with that special photo for this year's Christmas Card!

What better backdrop than this?


There will be several locations set up under a large tent for that perfect photo.
Simply e-mail me at
pati@patipakulis.com to schedule your appointment now!

I've included a few more photos that I took inside their nursery. It was just so beautiful!




Mini Session Apointments times are as follows:

Friday December 5th & 12th


Saturday December 6th & 13th


Sunday December 7th & 14th

11:30---12/14 booked

What a wonderful way to enjoy an amazing festival, and take care of your family Christmas photo!

Of course your can also pick up some beautiful poinsettias for your home. The festival will also have self-guided nursery tours, tractor-wagon rides, great food and crafts from local artisans. It is a great family event!




I hope to see you there!


Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Best Big Brother in the World!

Meet Jack-- and his Brother Jason. Not only are they brother-- but I can tell you that they are truly best friends!


I have had many photoshoots in the past month--- but I saw one of the sweetest things during my shoot with Jack & Jason.

This is Big Brother Jack--


Little Brother Jason--


Everytime I was taking their photos--- Jack would put his arm around his brother Jason.
Not once--- did I ever ask him to do that-- he just did it. Every type of shot we did-- the arm went around little brother!

It was SO precious! So I wanted to share those shots with you.





Jack... you are an awesome BIG brother!! Thank you both!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

It’s the little moments that make life BIG!


Doesn't that say it all? I LOVE life's little moments. They keep me going!

These are my dear friend Clint, Johnnie and little Gracie! They have recently come into my life and have been such an amazing blessing! I just love them both so much!!

They were so much fun to photograph. I will post more from their "family" shoot in the next day or so.

Sadly, my arm is SO sore from processing photos-- that I actually have to stay off the computer as much as I can today. I have a photoshoot later today and I need my arm for that.

I guess that is what you'd call an occupational hazard. Wow---

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"I've Got a Secret"

This is the name of Dr. Danaluk's most recent ad campaign!


Dr. D is the best orthodontist in Ahwatukee! He asked me to do the photography for his " I've got a Secret" ad campaign. He wanted to use real patients to advertise his behind the teeth and invisilign braces.

These braces are not seen outwardly-- so they're "a secret." They're wonderful for adults who need braces, but don't want to go throught the "braces phase" of life.

I photographed 7-8 of his patients for this campaign. The ads will be printed in the Ahwatukee Foothills News for the next several weeks. It was pretty exciting to open the newspaper and see a photograph that I took. Lots of fun!!!

Thank you Dr. D for the opportunity!


For more information on I-braces or Invisilign go to Team Orthodontics:



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

On a lighter note...

So I introduced these 3 beautiful children to you the other day. They were standing by the tree with the sun shining through. Shelby, Jake and Josh!
I loved each of them!

Shelby is a beautiful H.S. senior-- and from what I saw-- quite the amazing big sister to her brothers.


Jake is a bit quiet-- at least around me... and really seems to go with the flow.


These two were definately ALL BOY-- and BROTHERS! They went from playing to wrestling - to serious wrestling - to back to playing. TOTAL brothers!

Josh was charming-- and lives in the moment. He wasn't thrilled to be having his pictures taken so I knew that with him-- I truly had to wait and really capture the moments.

This is my favorite shot of him. He climbed this tree and looked right down at me-- sorta proud at how well he scaled it----- so SNAP---- this was what I hoped for!


The two boys had just wrestled quite a bit-- and Jake was actually laying on top of his brother's stomach here. They were a tired-- and I got in close for this photo.


Shelby was just amazing every photo I took of here. I get to do her Senior photos this year and I just can't wait!!!






This was another "captured" moment from Josh--- I love this expression!

I usually take photos up to the very last moments. We were done and walking out the the car... of course Josh jumps on Shelby's back---- so glad my camera was still out. I have learned to keep shooting -- even past the end of the shoot. I have always been lucky to get some sweet shots that way.


So Jake jumps on the her back next--- I loved it!


These kids were just awesome! Thank you Shelby, Josh and Jake-----


Monday, November 17, 2008

Sing Out Loud!

Today, I sang as loud as I could! I played some of my favorite worship songs-- and I just belted it out! I had to.....

There are times when you have to hold on to what you know to be true in your heart! You hang on with all that is in you!

Most of you see my work as a photographer-- and I am so grateful for that. I have enjoyed every moment of this new journey and feel so blessed you you check my blog and view my work.
What many of you may not know is that I am a musician. I have been on staff at my church for years as a worship leader. I play guitar and I sing!

And believe me-- there are many times that I sing-- to face life. To deal with it... to fight my battles. I sing at the top of my lungs to the God I love and know and trust!

And today I needed to sing-- to worship and to reaffirm what I believe I have been hearing from God throughout this jouney--- life for Peter.

He came home this morning discouraged. The pet scan he recently took showed that the tumor may have actually spread to the other side of his face.

That type of news is overwhelming...

This past Saturday night-- about 2 in the morning, I felt like I was supposed to read my devotion. I remember thinking-- it's 2 in the morning-- I am beat! But I was curious thinking, "what does God want to say to me?"
So I got up and read it. The one scripture that popped out was from Job..

Chapter 42 verse 12

"The Lord blessed the latter part of Job;s life more that the first."

I have read this before during this season and have felt like this was for Peter.
I have sensed strongly that as he goes through this amazing challenge-- that life on the other side will be like nothing we could have ever imagined.

I have no idea what that means-- but that there is blessing on the other side of this.

I still believe this. And Saturday night-- 2 am in the morning-- this is what I was given... continued a bit of hope... handed to me like a precious gift!

So when I hear news like this morning, the scan results, I sit back for a moment and say...

But God...

You see, I believe He has continued to show me life-- and blessing. It's never changed throughout this entire journey. Even before cancer came into our lives-- I felt prepared to believe. The word was given to me over and over for 2 years.

To believe without seeing. To believe inspite of...
to believe even when it seems crazy.

Peter's radiologist spoke to him later this morning--saying that the scan was probably just showing activity on the other side of his face because of the radiation.

Wow--- that was much nicer to hear. He had a cat scan today and we will know more in a day or so. You never really know a whole lot more---- but that's how it seems to go.

I do believe there is a latter part of Peter's life. And that God will bless it--

I speak this in faith because all I ever get when I ask-- are these types of answers.
Not once have I felt that I was to prepare for the worst. And I have asked.
Not once has the answer been yes--ever.

So I stand tall, I sing loud, I pray hard, and I speak out life! I believe it....and I hold on to it with everything!

I fight--- because I believe God has continued to give me hope!

Hope when I hear about the rainbows you all see. Hope when I get an amazing scripture. Hope when I look up-- and feel the smile of God upon us. Even in this insane time.

He allows adversity--- and gives grace.

He allows pain--- and gives comfort.

He allows challenge-- and gives hope.

All I know is that life will never be the same for Peter, for our family and for those who watch the hand of God sustain and strengthen us in and through this.

I believe because I have to-- it is what has been given to... and required of me....

Will you beLIeVE with me?

If so, please let me know--- it makes me stonger!

love- pati

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shelby, Josh & Jake

These kids were awesome! I fell in love with each of their personalities.
This is just a glimpse of their photoshoot.

I had fun with this shot. It's definately photoshop inhanced--- I brought out lots more blues-purples. And I love it!

More to come.....


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Picking a BONE with you...

Meet the Bone Family---- they were just downright fun!! Totally full of LIFE!
This family goes to my church-- and I just had such a wonderful time capturing some great moments with them~


Christy asked if I could get some shots of the kids on the trampoline... that was great!



Now.... you met Matt yesterday--

Meet his brother David!

They gave their sister Luann a run for her money--- I love these sibling shots!




Papa Bone--- or Mr. Jim was just as funny!



So here's the whole gang--- pets and all! Whew!


One of the dogs-- I forget the name... was very intereseted in me. He/she just keep creeping towards me!


I just love this Family!!


Thank you all so much--- what a priviledge for me!!





God Bless the Bone Family--- always!
