WELCOME to the Photography BLOG of Pati Pakulis

My hope is to INSPIRE you... and to share some of the BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS that I have managed to capture on my journey as a photographer and a person.

Please visit often, ask questions or leave comments... I LOVE hearing from you!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just one smile together...Please

O.K.. I was out of my league this week. It has been TOO long since I have taken photos of a
17 month old! I admit, I am a little out of practice.

Meet Jake..... adorable little brother to Kaiden. Sweet, beautiful eyes and......... BUSY!




Meet Kaidan.... adorable Big brother to Jake. Who tried so hard to be the good big brother-- and cooperate





I met these two little guys on Thursday night. Taking pictures of them individually wasn't too tough-- but man o man.... trying to get that "shot" of the two of them together..

well... let's just say I've forgotten how much work is involved to try to accomplish that.

They had fun playing in this old toy box. Look at that smile!




And here's a kiss from Brother!



And this was my Favorite expression of the night-- just look at that face!
I love it!

In such a big open space... Jake just wanted to cruise around. I can't really blame him




Kaiden kept a good eye on his little brother. He tried so hard....





Then... I think I just got lucky and finally got ONE on the two of them smiling together. Whew!


Way to keep me on my toes boys! Thank you Jake & Kaiden!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Changing lives... One card at a Time

Peter & I recieved the coolest cards yesterday. They were from our friends Johnny & Clint.

You can see one of them sitting on our piano. The other is at our office.

They were not ordinary cards either....

They were these beautiful custom made cards. Both Johnny & Clint actually created this "beLIeVE" card for us.

I had created this little design that I use on my blog remind me that the word LIVE is in the word beLIeVE.... well how amazing it was to recieve a card in the mail with that design on it!

On the inside of the card was a photo of Peter and I, along with such an encouraging message:

"It's not over until it's over - Together you will win this battle"


How cool is that! Peter & I were both so blessed by this!

Johnny and Clint have this amazing company called "Send Out Cards"

Their companies mission is "changing lives....one card at a time!"

Anyone can log onto their website and send out cards. They have thousands of cards to choose from--- or you can simply create your own! No trips to hallmark or a mail box-- no need for stamps--you just do everything online. It makes things so easy!

Now THAT is Awesome! Just think of what you can do with your own photos....grandparents would LOVE to recieve cards with pictures of "their" grandbabies on them!

I love this whole idea and just had to share this with you! Here is their website for more information: http://www.sendoutcards.com/5FREE

The first 5 cards you send are FREE-----just to try the service!

Thank you so much Johnny and Clint. You have already begun to accomplish your mission by changing this one life--- one card at a time!

I Love you Guys!!

P.S. as a take on yesterdays message. "Let your life be the ART on you CARDS"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life..... celebrate it!

Why don't we hang more pictures up on our walls?

I have been taking photos of my kids for 13 years and this past summer I just FINALLY got my favorite shots up on the wall in frames. But it took 13 years..... shame on me!

Our life is art---

We need to let our life be the art on the walls that we celebrate and cherish!


So get out the photos your already love- and do something with them!

Here's my little summer accomplishment... and there's still room for one more photo--oops!

Take more Photos --
Have more pictures taken--- (I can help you! ;-)

Create more Art

Celebrate LIFE!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Facing the Giant....

So we recieved news from the surgeon that Peter's tumor is cancerous.

We don't know what type exactly-- but yes.... it is cancer.

I can honestly say that I am so thankful that Peter and I had this entire past week to really try to process this whole matter and be sort of prepared for the news we heard today.

So now it is a fact. We're facing the giant... again.
Interesting that Colin's youth group just watched this movie "Facing the Giants" on Sunday night.

We are still waiting to hear more about cell type, treatment recommendations....
and I will also say that Peter is investigating some alternative treatments as well. We will certainly keep you posted and your prayers are always so deeply appreciated.

Peter is doing well overall. He amazes me actually. He continues to work and serve others in their health needs with a great attitude. He trusts God.

When I got home from our office after hearing the news... I went out to our backyard. You see, every time it rains, I now always look for a rainbow. Tonight it had rained... so I was looking. Especially tonight... I needed another rainbow.

I was standing near our pool looking into the sky.... I actually imagined God like the ""google earth" camera... thinking that He could see me looking upward and zoom right in on me.
I just kept thinking, come on Lord, now would be a great time for another rainbow...please?

Just then, my youngest, Lissy walks out into the backyard.. and the conversation goes something like this.

Lissy: Whatcha doin?

Me: Just looking for rainbows. I look for them everytime it rains now.

Lissy: well it's still raining, maybe there's one over there.

Well, I didn't see a rainbow, so I walked into my house and sat at my computer.

Right on my computer screen [I am not kidding] --- was this:

I did a double take-- honestly! I thought, Where did this come from?"

I read the words, "Don't give Up - Beleve"

Little Lissy-- I guess she had put this together on for her mommy earlier that afternoon.. while I was at the office. Can you believe that? I couldn't believe it...Out the mouth of babes..

OK... so then I begin to just cry and cry--- but they were tears of hope. Continued hope!

I knew that God had just spoken through my child... saying-- "don't give up--beleve"
and there were my rainbows! (she even mispelled the word believe) how cute is that?

How she thought in her little heart to put that together... and to even say "Don't give up" --- well, I'm speechless.

So the rainbow in the sky-- I've yet to see. But oh how God has given me so many rainbow photos... and since I'm becoming a photographer-- this means alot.

So yes.. we face the giant... and it is serious. We all know this as a family.

But our family also knows that God is bigger. That we can focus on the cancer and let it consume us, or we can focus on God and face the giant WITH HIM.

Everything in my being knows and believes that God is with us.. and that He will fight this battle.
He continues to give hope at every turn. Every bit of bad news has been met with a rainbow.. or a scripture that always leads in this direction...

So Yes Lissy--- we won't give up--- we will "beleve"!

P.S. I also had a very close friends Len & Michell share a "rainbow" story with us regarding our family. They were driving to Prescott when they had just recieved a phone call telling them that regarding Peter--- that it looked like the tumor was cancer. They hung up the phone and were just about to begin to pray for us-- when all of a sudden they saw a rainbow in the sky.
Len even had to pull over to take a photo for us -

I can't do anything but continue BeLIeVE......


Precious Aciana....

Is she not adorable?

This weekend I had a chance to photograph and celebrate Aciana turning 3!
That's pronounced Ah-see-ah-na! Beautiful!

She was so sweet... and seemed to enjoy our photo session overall.

I Loved her little smile.
And this hat was so perfect for her!




She recieved some birthday balloons....

and enjoyed this soft boa!

Photobucket Photobucket


This was quite the little look!

She wasn't quite sure what to do with the balloons----- she just stared at them for a little while.



This has become one of my favorite shots.... I just love to photograph children as they are walking along.

See? How sweet is that?
Thank you Aciana----- xoxo